Imprint and disclaimer

Responsible for content according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz)
  • Immonify GmbH
  • Neue Mainzer Straße 6-10
  • 60311 Frankfurt
  • Deutschland
  • Tel: +49 69 26026001
  • Fax: +49 321 21369538
  • Email:
Tax details
  • Geschäftsführer: Andreas Ilias
  • Registernummer: HRB 125040
  • Registergericht: Frankfurt am Main
  • USt-IdNr.: DE344022963
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
We make every effort to keep the content of our website up to date. Despite careful editing, liability remains excluded. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general legislation pursuant to Section 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). However, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are not obliged as a service provider to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information. If we become aware of any infringements of the law, we will remove this content immediately. We only assume liability in this respect from the time we become aware of a possible infringement.
Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. The respective provider of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. We do not assume any liability for the contents and the correctness of the information of linked websites of third party information providers. At the time of linking, the linked pages were checked for possible legal violations WITHOUT RESPONSE. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such links immediately.
The contents and works created by the site operators on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, processing, distribution, or any form of commercialization of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator.
We would like to point out that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) can have security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible. Confidentiality with regard to data protection regulations is only guaranteed subject to the above restriction. In particular, all communications of personal data via the Internet shall only take place insofar as the rights of third parties are not affected. Unless the third party, being aware of the aforementioned security gaps, has also declared its consent. Liability on the part of the site operator is excluded for any damage or injunctive relief resulting from such security gaps. The use of all published contact data by third parties for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertisements is prohibited. The operators of the pages expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information, e.g. through spam mails.
The use of contact data published within the framework of the imprint obligation for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertising and information material is hereby prohibited. The operators of the pages expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information, for example by spam e-mails.