Test Immonify

Register for the free 30-day Immonify trial period using the form below and test our service to digitalise your business processes and optimise your preparatory marketing activities

Fast set-up and immediate operational readiness

Due to the flexible concept of our SaaS service, Immonify can be immediately integrated into your company and your operational marketing processes.
Image Logo
  1. 1

    Create an account

    As part of the test phase, we will create a personalised user account for you and take over your imprint details.

  2. 2

    Adapt master data

    Once your user account has been created, the Immonify app and exposés can be tailored to your corporate design specifications.

  3. 3

    Start digitisation

    Afterwards, your personalised Immonify service is immediately ready for you and your team to use worldwide in all required languages.
